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Re: Question on EDP: Non volatile memory?

i luv the smell of sexist rhetoric in the morning.
would someone please getahold...


on 10/1/01 2:41 PM, rich at rich@nuvisionsca.com wrote:

> i was curious on this one too...
> are you saying that 20 year old women and 30 year old women have
> completely different vibes and uses?
> huh?
> is this supposed to symbolize the 10 year span between the release of
> the edp and the repeater?  that the newer, younger version has some
> sort of different use or vibe to it?  what are you supposed to do
> with the old one?  keep it around for posterity and fond memories
> while you rock on with the new?
> is this about gear or women?
> will my wife understand this?
> how old are YOU?
> rich
>>> NO NO its the difference between a 20 and 30 year woman were talkin 
>>> not the same use, nor the same vibe.
>> what do you mean by "use" for a 20 year old woman?
>> <insert silly grin emoticon if you like>