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Re: Looper development and production costs?

OK.  Sure.  Don't come to me when Gibson decides (again) that the EDP 
isn't worth
manufacturing.  My guess is not only will there not be an EDP 2, but 
within a
year, there probably won't be an EDP at all.  The reason I don't own one is
because it didn't exist when I was in the market for one, and when it did, 
was a better alternative.  Because Electrix is aiming at a broader 
they'll win.  If you don't think it's a numbers game, you're asleep.  I'm
suggesting (and offering my services for free, BTW) a logo redesign 
because I
don't want to see the EDP go away, even though I'm glad I went to the 
There will be a big change soon, and Trace-Elliot should be worried.  I 
can say no
more.  There are more DJs than there are looping musicians, and Electrix is
hitting both bases.  If what Kim says about EDP sales is true, there 
aren't many
EDP sales in a year.  Barely enough to make it worth making, if I'm 
reading him
correctly.  If Electrix takes a chunk of their sales (as they did with me) 
conversation will be moot.

Mark Sottilaro

rich wrote:

> Well, you have a point.  But how much flashy design can you put into
> a 1U rack space unit that's going to garner more sales from the
> target market that buys from the gut reaction of "oooh, that LOOKS
> cool"?
> My opinion is that HIGH END gear is aimed at a different target
> market that concentrates on playability and interfaces, and spending
> a bunch of hot air on how someone really SHOULD redesign their
> product look seems a bit silly when the product has a 10 year history
> already, and it's an expensive, complex tool that is going to be
> beyond the price ceiling/capacity of the aforementioned 'buy it
> because it's cool' target market.  We're not talking $200 plexiglass
> BC Rich guitars here, or POD imitations, or stomp boxes.  These are
> the kind of shit that people buy on impulse, as an effect of
> advertising or endorsment, or for a specific price point.  Often
> these are the same things being sold in the classifieds several
> months after their release, because someone doesn't think it's cool
> anymore and has to move on to the next widget.
> The look and feel of a product has SO much to do with eventual sales.
> I'm not an idiot.  But finding out exactly HOW a product feels, and
> WHY a specified target market wants to buy your product takes a hell
> of a lot of thinking (and $$) on the front end.  My question was why
> we were wagging our tongues trying to do it to the EDP...
> but you're free to do so.  you're also free to insult me with sarcasm 
> i'm outta this thread.
> rich
> >Oh, I got your sarcasm.  I just can't believe that someone educated
> >in the visual arts would believe that the look of a product has some
> >influence of how it's perceived by potential users.  If you have
> >paid for a degree in industrial design, graphic design or some other
> >field in the visual fine arts, I suggest you sue for your money back
> >plus punitive damages. [ ;^) added as sarcasm indicator ]
> >
> >Mark