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Re: Echoplex w/drum machine question
<smile> -or quantize your functions as Kim suggested. <smile>
-Thanks Kim...
At 10:11 PM 6/24/03 -0600, you wrote:
> Terry, regardless of how good sync is on any looper, if you record a
>forward, and have it play in time with a drum machine, or some source, and
>then decide to reverse the loop, right then and there, you've disturbed
>sync just by the very nature of what you've just done. Does this make
>sense? As an example, if you have a four beat loop playing along with a
>four beat measure on a drum machine, and then reverse the loop on beat
>three, then flip it forward again, one beat later, beat three of your loop
>will now be synched with beat 1 of the measure on the drum machin. I'll
>write it out below.
>The top row are the beats of your loop, and reversal, and the bottom row
>are the beats on the drum machine's measure. You'll need to retrigger or
>realign the loop to bring it back into sync. -or, you could go on like
>that, and beat three of your loop would then always fall on beat 1 of your
>measure. They should still stay in relative sync, -just not the way you
>recorded the loop in the first place. Does this make sense?
> Anyway, -hope this helps...
>At 11:19 AM 6/24/03 -0700, you wrote:
>>> > (I have quantize on and set to LOP, 8th cycle is
>>> > set to 8, and sync is set to out, switch quant is
>>> > off. I set the tempo to 140.) If I need to change
>>> > any of these settings let me know.
>>> I'm not sure I understand exactly what you want to
>>> do, but did you try with switch quant set to some
>>> value?
>>Hi Per,
>>Thanks for trying to help me out.
>>No I haven't tried setting the switch quant to some
>>value. What value should I set it for?
>>> > I tried setting the half speed button to a
>>> > parameter with double the value of everything else
>>> > and it did keep the drum machine at the same speed
>>> > when I hit half speed but, If I hit half speed
>>> > again later to return it to normal speed, the drum
>>> > machine doubles it's speed.
>>> To use this workaround you need to program two
>>> different foot switch commands:
>>> 1) HalfSpeed/PC with 16 8th/cycle
>>> 2) FullSpeed/PC with 8 8th/cycle
>>> You can not use the "speedbutton" command.
>>I will try that.
>>> >It is also out of sync.
>>> ...switch quant? ;-)
>>I have this set to off. What sure it be set to?
>>> > Are any of you out there able to use all of the
>>> > functions in the echoplex and keep a drum machine
>>> > going steady and in time for 10 minutes without
>>> > drifting, and without going schizoid when you hit
>>> > any button besides overdub?
>>> If that's what you want it might be a good idea to
>>> put the drum machine as master and slaving the EDP?
>>I've tried using the echoplex as a master and slave
>>and had similar problems.
>>> But then, this thread has been all about using the
>>> EDP as master with a slaved drum machine, or am I
>> >mistakenhere?
>>I don't really care which is the master or slave as
>>long as it works and stays in sync. Which way stays in
>>sync best?
>>Ideally it would be nice to be able to start a song
>>I'd programmed on the drum machine with a four count
>>countoff, then hit record on the echoplex and start
>>recoring along with the drum machine right away. Then
>>I'd like to be able to use the echoplex as I normally
>>would and it stay in synce with the drum machine even
>>if I played for 45 minutes which I frequently do.
>>All the very best!
>>> All the best
>>> Per Boysen
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