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Re: EDP_gate_problem

At 01:39 PM 8/26/2004, zurrigo wrote:
>if i try to blend a chord into an existing loop by striking it on the 
>guitar first with it's volume = 0 and then turning the pot up to max 
>slowly with the EDP's overdub on, the looper is only accepting part of it 
>(nothing being recorded below a certain level), as if there was a gate 
>installed in front of the recording unit.

Yes, there is a gate on the loop input, it is necessary to make Undo a 
usable feature. However, the threshold is quite low so if you can hear it 
you probably just have the input level too low. Turn the input up, and it 
should be fine.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com