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DJ QBert

Any DJs on the list?  If so you might enjoy DJ QBert doing some freestyling
with just a turntable and a beatbox:

For the rest of you, yes he blows worse than Hiromi so don't bother. ;-)


> ----- Original Message -----
>> Surely you could create multiple files for each piece
>> couldn't you?  Each one only dealing with the plug-ins
>> needed for that tune?  In between songs open the new
>> one?
> Yes, I've done this, but the problem is that I don't really play any 
> per se, but I improvize and I like to spontanouely pick plugins from a 
> menu. In short, I need access to all my plugins at all times, and I want 
> be able to stack or chain them in custom sequences on the fly...probably
> asking for too much.
> Would be cool is a dynamic rack concept. On the left hand side of the 
> I would have a rack "shell". On the right hand I would have my massive 
> of VST plugins. Then one could drag and drop on the fly any of the 
> into the rack in any order, and also change the order by dragging and
> dropping, all in real time. That would be amazing.
> Kris
>> Mark
>> --- Krispen Hartung <khartung@cableone.net> wrote:
>>> One thing about EnergyXT that I think is a "bug" but
>>> probably a undesireable
>>> feature, is that the more VST plugins you load into
>>> it, the more slugglish
>>> it gets...even when they are not activiated. I find
>>> that odd.  If I have 5
>>> plugins on the screen, all not activated, it
>>> responds quickly to button
>>> presses, dragging the plugins around, etc. But if I
>>> have 50 plugins on my
>>> screen, which is what I have in Chainer, it gets
>>> really slow.
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