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Re: fcb1010 expression b still not working for volume!

This thing with patch no9 blinking is either a sign that your fcb is 
faulty, or that you weren't 100% following the manual.
Trevor's mail will sort you out if it's the latter.

Otherwise, most likely cause of pedal problems is that you need to 
calibrate the pedal.


CC 7 is the one generally associated with volume.

Just stick at it the fcb1010 works really well controlling the EDP, so 
you're going to have a good time :-)

andy butler

topu lyo wrote:
> hey guys 
> sorry to bother with all this out of date stuff.  i feel like i'm 
> beating a dead horse
> but just got this new pedal and can't wait to make it work properly.  
> so my feed back pedal (exp. a) is working great, i programmed it from 
> 0-127 no prob.  the
> feedback number in the echoplex is set at 1.
> exp. pedal b however is not working for the life of me.  i'm trying to 
> get it to work volume and
> the volume number in the echoplex is 7 (a strange number) and i did 
> almost exactly the same
> thing with the exception of getting patch number 9 to blink????
> i've been messing around with this pedal for the last 10 hours and very 
> frustrated!  please help!!
> On Feb 20, 2008, at 2:11 PM, todd reynolds wrote:
>> Hi Topu, a lot of us use the FCB1010.
>> your problem with expression pedal B might be due to the range on the 
>> fcb which seems sometimes to be programmed as 0 to 1 instead of 0 to 
>> 127.  That's happened to me before.  otherwise, you should just be 
>> able to program it as long as your obie volume control setting is the 
>> same.  
>> there are no shortcuts save using a PC or Mac editor.  I use 'iFCB' 
>> from wabbitwanch. <http://www.wabbitwanch.com/>
>> there are various pc editors as well.
>> even with that you have to make sure to set your params for each 
>> It is a great pedal, just a little obtuse to program.  thank god you 
>> only need do it once in most applications!  I'm sure some other 
>> colleagues will chime in with their experience, and soon you'll have 
>> an inbox full of responses.  All best to you, Todd
>> On 2/20/08, *topu lyo* <topulyo@gmail.com <mailto:topulyo@gmail.com>> 
>> wrote:
>>     hey everyone
>>     was wondering if anyone is familiar with this pedal in use
>>     with the echoplex.
>>     i'm having trouble getting expression pedal B to work for volume.
>>     also is there a way so i don't have to program feedback and volume
>>     for every single pedal any shortcuts?  any advice would be amazing!!
>>     On Feb 20, 2008, at 12:53 PM, Andy Owens wrote:
>>>     You know, this thing must be bigger than it looks on their
>>>     website, here is a pic from the log, looks much larger….
>>>     Andy
>>>     *From:* William Walker [mailto:billwalker@baymoon.com] 
>>>     *Sent:* Wednesday, February 20, 2008 12:29 PM
>>>     *To:* Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
>>>     <mailto:Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
>>>     *Subject:* Re: gas pedal midi foot controller
>>>     Hey that gas pedal does look pretty cool, the lay out looks a bit
>>>     awkward, though,  with several narrowly spaced rows of buttons.
>>>     I'd be worried I would continually false trigger presets., by
>>>     inadvertently stepping on front row switches while reaching for a
>>>     switch on the back row. Looks a bit like a Digital Music Corp
>>>     Ground Control Pro, only cuter. I bet you could control a Fucking
>>>     Fucker amp with one of those!  Actually though it took me a while
>>>     to figure out how to program (not nearly as long as my first
>>>     attempts to decipher the FCB1010) I really love the Gordius
>>>     little Giant.  Its more compact and more ruggedly built than the
>>>     FCB1010, and you can use any make of expression pedal to go with
>>>     it.  At first a had to justify the expense as it is pricey, but
>>>     it is really well built and the switches or very smooth and the
>>>     architecture is as deep as the ocean. I look at it this way, why
>>>     trust the operation of several thousand dollars worth of audio,
>>>     computer, and looping gear to a$135 pedal that you cannot get
>>>     parts for? I'm on my fourth behringer FCB1010 in the last
>>>     10+years, add them all up and I spent more combined than on the
>>>     one Gordius little Giant I recently bought. Not only that, , 
>>>     Xavier, the guy who builds them,  actually listens to feedback
>>>     from clients. Andy Butler alerted him to the fact that the
>>>     Gordius was producing more latency than Andy's dedicated EDP
>>>     pedal, so Xavier got busy and reduced the latency specs
>>>     dramatically. Try asking Behringer or Yamaha for that matter to
>>>     improve their midi latency. I'd be curious to see how much the
>>>     Gas pedal costs, it sure looks expensive, but more and more I
>>>     believe you can't really drink champagne on a beer budget
>> -- 
>> http://www.toddreynolds.com                    |:
>> http://myspace.com/toddreynoldsmusic  |:
>> ------------------------------------------------------|:
>> 917.576.6166                                              
>> todd@toddreynolds.com <mailto:todd@toddreynolds.com>
>> toddreyn@gmail.com <mailto:toddreyn@gmail.com> 