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Hi friends , just got back from my easter holiday and have about 150 post to go through. While im sitting here cathcing up I have a funny experience I`d like to share. It happened in my familys cabin out in the country. We were all gathered there , uncles and aunts , grandparents and grandchildren. It was one of those magical moments when the family is gathered and everyone is happy. And when my family is gathered there is one thing you can count on: the old country/crooner Jim Reeves is not far away. So there we are , fireplace lit up , playing cards and having a good time. But when the second tape of Jim Reeves is reaching its end and my mom is hopping about looking for the third I figure its time to take action: I put on the sweetest smile I can muster and say , in my most angelic voice: "listen , guys , I brought a cd with some of the music I like......." As always , this line coming from me makes everybody get a really worried frown and the eyes start flickeering......."maybe later , dear" I hear from my otherwise so suportive grandmother. She was obviously starting to get the groove on with good ole mr. Reeves. At this point Im almost gasping for air as Jim`s drummer counbts up to yet another shuffle. I say: " actually , the music is quite similar to what you are already listening to". I watch my words carefully not to let my unholy dread of mr. Reeves slip through. Im winning them over now. One by one they ease up and goes about with their business. "we dont mind" is the vibe they`re sending out. Its down to mom now. She is the only one standing bewteen me and freedom. I push my hungry-puppy-look to the max and goes beyond my limits. Adolf Hitler would have melted had he looked into my eyes on that cold april night. Finally she caves in and gestures me towards the cheap stereo ("500 watts" it says) and my freedom. As I approach the instrument of my release (phillips compact stereo cd system , with subsonic bass and loudness button) I feel like a drowning man reaching the surface. Life is good. I whip out my Daniel Lanois cd`s and put on "Acadie". My heart skips a beat as the conversation in the room stops. Everyone listens attentively. They all get a surprised look on their faces. My mum asks who this is. "daniel lanois" I tell them , in my best french accent. Noone says a word. Then magic happens. They LOVE it!!!!!! They absolutely love it! My mom starts speaking french to show us that "I learned french in college y`know". My grandmother seems to have forgotten all about Jim Reeves and says: "that Daniel knows how......that Daniel." I deicide to milk my victory for all its worth and starts telling my uncle (the only one there who is remotely interested in music) that Lanois has produced for U2. I get a warm rush through my body as I feel a revolution is going on. I picture my whole family getting into Lanois , then Eno and Torn. Maybe granny will by me that Crimson box set Ive been drooling over. Could dad get a Zappa-obsession and get all those records i cant find?? As I sit there dreaming I realize that Ive pushed it too far. My uncle is , after all , a luther vandross fan and thinks virtuosity equals quality. He mutters : "I think he should have stuck to producing" referring to a not-so-in-tune Lanois vocal note. Oh well , we win some loose some. My point is this: How can Daniel Lanois appeal to me (as a somewhat modern jazz type guy) and to the Jim Reeves fans out there without sounding like he`s compromising? Is there a lesson here for all us "weirdos"?? Maybe we can all make a good living at this if we just look at our creative output from a different angle?? I leave it up to you to decide , I just wanted to share.............. Yours , Thomas Woehni , Oslo Norway........