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Idea for a Weekly Loop Arena ...

In the past several folks had put forth the idea of posting a weekly loop
somewhere not just as a matter of getting one's work out there, but also in
a spirit of idea-sharing, I suspect, to say nothing of producing our
favorite kind of music for a focused audience, if you will.

I had grumbled a bit at this, given my posting of "The Loop of the Week"
since 1996 online, and finally asked in a carmudgeonly fashion that you all
just not call it the Loop of the Week.

Well, how about this, to counter the above bucket of cold water?  What 
a Loop of the Week Webring?  The participators would post their own loops
online as they liked, and the collective bunch would certainly be worth the
scrutiny of a number of audients who as yet haven't heard any of our stuff.

I think the primary requirement would be that the sound file-in-question be
a LOOP, when played appropriately.  My preferred medium is the
44.1k/16-bit/stereo WAV file, with the 8k/16-bit/mono WAV also there as a
short sample.  There, that should start some talk.

Stephen Goodman       * The free Loop of the Week!
EarthLight Productions * http://www.earthlight.net/Studios