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Thank God for people who know what they're talking about. j. >There are reasons why people in other countries feel differently about >America's actions. The rest of the world does not get their news >spoon >fed >to them from the whitehouse, sandwhiched between the >titilating >discussions of politician's sex lives and the latest Jerry >Springer >pablum >that passes for news on CNN. They know about the >children dieing in Iraq >due to sanctions, and a myriad of other rather >gruesome the US >government >has engineered, that I won't bother to get >into on a Looper's list. If >you >want more than the mindless revenge >that passes for justice these days, >you have to find out what made >these people so agrieved they decided to >kill themselves, otherwise >they'll just continue; there are plenty more >where they came from. I'm >pretty certain that all we will see now is >more >violence and >more >atrocities, from both sides. Words cannot express the >grief of knowing >what is to come. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at