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RE: Repeater's bump-Bang !

Hey Mark,
Thanks for the positive side. As for the next OS (1.2 not 2.0) we have
squashed and are squashing the MIDI sync bugs. "dry mute" is in. Ending
record with overdub will have to wait untill another release. 

>Hey Damon and Everyone else at Electrix-

>It occurs to me that you folks all deserve a hearty "thanks" for 
>us with the Repeater, so I'd like to say just that. Thanks!!!

>I'm enthused about my purchase (I bought two!), and I suspect most of us
>are, despite minor reservations, surprises, and glitches. Hopefully you'll
>take the continued passionate interest in discussing Repeater on LD as
>indicative of our support, despite the occasional (o.k., more than
>occasional) stridency that creeps in.

>Frankly, even if there was never another O.S., I'd be satisfied with my
>purchase. Granted, not everything is as I hoped for, but on the other hand
>I'm finding workarounds, and just plain learning to accept different ways
>of doing things.

>If I was asked what things should be upgraded or changed, I can at this
>point only think of three, and I believe you've got two of them covered 
>the next O.S., specifically-

>1) Midi Sync Bug squashing

>2) Input Mute

>3) Ending record with overdub

>Best wishes to all of you up north, and thanks again for a marvelous




Damon Langlois
Creative Director
Tel (250) 544-4091 Fax (250) 544-4100