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Re: Please lets all sit together now and define what we do!

  Mark, excellent post, thanks for sharing.  I completely agree.  The
device is just a device, and the music can come through us.  Sometimes we
use these devices to help us express the music that's calling.  So the idea
of definition for me, ought to be self-definition.   Others will define
people and genras whatever way they like, regardless.  If it needs to be
done, then fine, it needs to be done.   So precision or something
reasonably close can be important.   You don't want to look for a jazz
recording and get a speedmetal album, <smile>   -or at least I wouldn't...
  -But the essence of jazz, or speedmetal for that matter, came from the
performers doing it enough, and thus the lable.  
  I personally don't feel the need to try to list a definition of "Looping"
 aside from explaining to people what it is I do when asked, but Matthias
does, and has asked the question with a very well-written and
well-thought-out post, so here we are.  I think that the music itself can
speak volumes and whatever lable people may come up with for it may apply
for a while, and then as with most lables, people may find themselves
feeling the need, for whatever reason, to define it more specifically and
catagorize it further.    
  this, for music, I find to be sort of annoying, and even detremental to
an artist, since I've seen actual cases where it's hurt an artist's record
sales, or eliminated sales completely, since, though a record company may
have loved  an album, they didn't know which "bin" to put it in.   -and
thusly, it never gets released.  To me , this is awful, since it's less
creativity people get to express or enjoy.  -and it's just a shame.  
  So, I think knowing what one does themselves, is really important even if
it's alot of things, and not necessarily specific, if that makes any sense,
but having to define what it is everyone else does on pseudo-objective
terms other than their own, while important to some, can be problematic.  
  For my part, I'll keep playing and explaining to people while having nice
conversations about cool things and the wonderful and interesting world we
live in.  <smile>  It's all happening right here, right now, one evening in
the universe...   



   At 12:37 PM 10/14/02 -0700, ou wrote:
>Andre makes a good point about about why Hip Hop artists dont' gravitate
to this
>list.  I think it is the name.  Perhaps if we had a better name like
"Loopers D" it
>would help...
>OK, now I'm getting silly.
>Funny, I don't associate Hip Hop with loops, but more with a style of beat
>tonality, similar to the way "Rock and Roll" was defined.  I for sure 
>associate Andre's music with Hip Hop at all.  Sorry dude, you do not have 
>clothes for it.
>I do agree with Andre that we're not/ have not created or will ever create
a new
>form of music with loopers, though new forms of music may be created by
us.  I mean
>that the loopers is the tool, just like the electric guitar pickup helped
>rock and roll.  How?  Well, guitars are good because they're nice and
portable and
>can lend themselfs to both lead and rhythm styles.  They're also pretty
>compared to a piano, but they're not going to be able to compeat with a
horn or
>drums.  Enter the electric guitar/amp.  Now a new form (based on the old
form, of
>course) of music can arise due to a tool that was previously unavailable.
Now a
>blues guitarist can step into the lead melody role where before it was
much more
>difficult.  People start calling this new loud guitar based music Rock and
>But is it the transducer that defines the music?  Not at all.  It helps
get you
>there, but it's what's being played.  That transducer now finds it's way
into many
>forms of music.  It's a tool.  The feeling and chord structure of the
music is what
>defines it, not the tools used.  In this way "Ambient" music was maybe
>by audio looping devices, but they do not define it.
>So Matthais, do you want to market "loop music" or your looping device?
>I do dissagree with Andre though as to whether or not we should think
about what
>defines us.  I think it helps talking about this.  Andre's a good example
of someone
>who stretches the term "looper..." but is he looping?  Not all the time
for sure.
>He's always recording though, and I think that's important.  We're all
>something in some way... could this be it?  Maybe we're not looping, but
as Kim
>suggested a while ago, "Realtime editing."  Is this closer?  To what Andre
does for
>sure, to what I do to a lesser degree, but.. well maybe not.  Playing a
phrase again
>*is* editing I suppose.
>Another marketing issue here is (now we're on my turf) is that "Realtime 
>Technique Music" sounds horrible.  "Looping" sounds much better, though is
less an
>accurate term.  I suggested "De Ja Music" earlier, but I was joking.
Sucks.  I come
>across this all the time.  We just designed a logo for Genentech, and a
>was made and a logo that was more attractive was chosen over a logo that
>communicated the concept.  I think Electrix's big problem was that they
>target the DJ market enough, even though they made the Repeater very DJ
>I'm not a DJ, and that's not the point, but walk into a "Guitar Center"
any day and
>you'll find a room almost as big as the guitar section devoted to DJ gear.
>*isn't* dance music, but it sure does facilitate it.  The artists will
figure out
>what to do with the tools, it's just a matter of getting them into the 
>Notice that everyone's a DJ these days.  Use that trend.  I think the
EDP's drawback
>in this matter is that there's no desernable marketing at all for this
>Gibson needs to say, "HEY!  This is a great tool for making dance music!"
Korg and
>Roland are great at this.  Do you have to make dance music with their
gear?  Not at
>all, but it puts them out there.
>Here's what needs to happen.  A-hem, excuse me while I mount this very
high horse.
>Gibson should get a few musicians from different popular generas and have
them do
>demo/clinics at EVERY store that sells EDPs.  Show people how the EDP is
perfect for
>minipulating a turntable, synth, sax, guitar, whatever.  Make it a tour or
>yet, use locals.  Do this a few times, and believe me, word of mouth will
do the
>Mark Sottilaro


  "The only things I really think are important, are love, and eachother.
-Then, anything is possible..."  


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