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An Introduction (new guy)

Hello, after much prodding and reminding by the illustrious Mr. Sottilaro 
have joined.

A bit about me:

After years of ignoring music almost entirely (minus a few aborted 
to learn Guitar, Trumpet, and the Harmonica, I got OK at the harmonica, 
I digress) I discovered circuitbent instruments (mangled and tortured toys 
screeching for their lives) and suddenly got a bee in my bonnet that maybe 
could do this too.

My next couple of experiments seemed to prove me right and off I went.

I am pretty low-tech so far, my spiffiest bit of hardware is my KP2 kaoss 
pad, but cheap or free software and funky old laptops are my friend.

I have some stuff up at www.mp3.com/perkis_red_sweater which is a sort of 
joke and what I like to think of as my side project for a band that is yet 
to exist (I fancy myself amusing sometimes)

That is pretty much it, Hi everyone, looking forward to the ride!

Will Wright

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