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RE: (affordable) stereo (live) looping?

--- chrismandel@juno.com wrote:
> [Currently I'm using a pair of EDP's. I'm not sure what the rest of the 
> >looping world thinks of the EDP's, but as a guitar player I think they 
> >over priced and kill the bottom end frequencies and rob way to much 
> I tell ya, i'm tired of hearing that EDP's and Repeaters are over 
>priced.  Have
> you ever asked a pro cello or harp player what their instrument costs? 
>10s if
> not 100s of thousands of dollars.  Here's the reality: most of you have 
> for looping and need the upper end stuff to be satisfied.  If these 
>units were
> priced twice as high as they are, you would still buy them. -chris

Interesting theory, Chris, but I don't agree. I have a passion for 
looping, it
works the same way my pathetic little musical mind works, but I just don't 
the money for much more then I've spent.

In fact, I got into looping MANY years too late because all the tools were 
expensive for me. It was only when the DL4 came out with a loop feature 
onto a regular delay that I finally used it and found what I'd wanted all 

Then I shopped around for a more advanced looper. My choice was between 
the EDP
and the Repeater for the features I thought I needed. In the end, the 
was determined primarily by the price. The Repeater was about $200 less 
then the
EDP (once you figured in the cost of the footpedal), so I bought what I 
could. It
was a good decision, from the standpoint that the Repeater also had a 
like" paradigm, which worked well with my background, but within a year the
company had crapped the bed and the thing was discontinued with no hopes of
upgrades or much support. The EDP would have been a better choice from 
standpoints, but I just couldn't swing the expense. 

So sure, it would have been nice to have "saved up" for it, but the 
reality is
that it would have taken me -another- year to have gotten into looping if 
had been my only option. It might have discouraged me enough to forget it 
price of a new Jamman or EH 16sec in the 80s did...)


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