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Re: Echoplex v. Electrix


WE WANT EDP's IN EUROPE!!!! aaaaaarghhhhh!!!!

 if only our plot to make Rick Walker dissapear to get his EDP when he was 
Paris had worked... ;-D


Mensaje citado por: Ian Petersen <iep@mail.dk>:

> Travis,
> > unless you mean "new in box"
> Yes, I do mean "new in box". Call me a cissy, but if I'm going to spend
> that kind of money on a piece of kit (especially electronics designed 
> ten years ago) I want a box and 2 years service guarantee. 
> > There's rarely more than a few days when one isn't on eBay
> The example you give is typical: Firstly if you look closely it says 
> 'Ships to: United States, Canada'. That ain't Europe last time I 
> looked. Even if I could convince the seller to send it to Europe I 
> still have to pay shipping plus toll duty plus 25% VAT (purchase tax). 
> That's well over $1000 for a second hand beige-face EDP of unknown 
> heritage with loop-3 software, no footpedal and no guarantee that it 
> even will work for more than a week. Thanks, but no thanks. I'm 
> motivated, but not that motivated!
> And after all, why should I have to go through all this? The EDP is NOT
> officially discontinued or out of production. I should be able to walk 
> into any Gibson dealer in the world and buy one off the shelf, or at 
> least order one and have it within a week!
> -- 
>   Ian Petersen

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