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[Larson] > Why isn't anyone angry at the morons that took out loans they knew > they couldn't pay back? [Rev] > ....I finally had to speak out. This is the *same* line of > finger-pointing *blame crap* that *all* of the Repugnican Reich wing > neonconartist "fair and balanced" Faux Noise TV, and radio "talk" show > blowhards and gas bags are now *repeating endlessly*, ad nauseam, and > it makes me *sick* to hear it. No, they're all blaming Barney Frank now. Haven't you been watching Fox News :-) If I remember correctly, my original response was to someone engaging in "finger-pointing *blame crap*" with the Bush administration and I'm pretty sure he wasn't a Repugnican. If you take the time to actually read the article I referenced, the point is that there is a lot of blame to go around at more levels than just congress, banks, and all those people who were forced to buy homes. So I'm glad we agree that finger pointing isn't very helpful. > Yeah. Like those "morons" who lost their long time / good paying jobs > ... > Or, the "morons" who suddenly, and without any kind of warning, came down > with some *serious* or even life-threatening illness Neither of which has anything to do with the sub-prime crisis we've been discussing. > Or, the "morons" who were the targets and victims of the *sub- prime scandal*? Now you've found it! While we're being empathetic, let's not forgot all those poor California yuppies, unable to flip their 1000 square foot 2 million dollar homes before their balloon payments came due. Since that's pretty close to my demographic, I thank you for your concern. > These same "blame the little guys and morons" loudmouths are very likely long > time Rethuglicans No. > who "conveniently" seem to "forget" that it was over 12 twelve years > of *Rethuglican control*... The inconvenient truth is that the economy is a lot more complicated than most people believe. Since I know many of you are simply too busy to read an article that might challenge your beliefs, here's an excerpt that says it better than I can: The U.S. economy is enormously complicated. Screwing it up takes a great deal of cooperation. Claiming that a single piece of legislation was responsible for (or could have averted) the crisis is just political grandstanding. We have no advice to offer on how best to solve the financial crisis. But these sorts of partisan caricatures can only make the task more difficult. > Check history for more details. Always wise advice. > Kick the Rethugs *out* of office (and send a bunch to *prison* too) > and the watch how *fast* the nation (and the world) starts to turn > around for the *better*, and then continues to improve To get elected, Obama is going to need the support of a large number of independent swing voters in key states. Incendiary rhetoric on blogs (and mailing lists) is something the right loves to trot out as examples of "left wing lunacy", which like it or not resonates with a lot of independents. Obama would be well served if passionate debaters on the left would frame their arguments in a more diplomatic, informed, and dare I say it, adult fashion. This will be my last post on the subject on LD, I think we've overstayed our welcome. But I'm also on loopers-delight-off-topic in case anyone feels like baiting me over there :-) Jeff