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I was resisting getting into this fray, but when I read this... > > Why isn't anyone angry at the morons that took out loans they > knew they couldn't pay back? ....I finally had to speak out. This is the *same* line of finger- pointing *blame crap* that *all* of the Repugnican Reich wing neonconartist "fair and balanced" Faux Noise TV, and radio "talk" show blowhards and gas bags are now *repeating endlessly*, ad nauseam, and it makes me *sick* to hear it. Yeah. Like those "morons" who lost their long time / good paying jobs due to their jobs suddenly and without warning, either being *outsourced* to some other country, or due to the "brilliance" of some *way overpaid*, fat cat CEO who decided to downsize...oh excuse me... to "restructure" a company for only the purposes of increasing the profits of other fat cat stockholders, and then later even run the company into the ground, but *still* walk away with a *huge* severance package and a lifetime of other benefits. (Not to also forget the millions that were already sitting in his / her personal account, along with millions in stocks,etc) Or, the "morons" who suddenly, and without any kind of warning, came down with some *serious* or even life-threatening illness that put them out of work for a *long* time, and / or wiped them out financially, or that the same tragedy occurred to their spouse, or a member of their family like their *kid* or a *parent*,etc. Or, the "morons" who were first-time buyers and were maybe a bit "green" about going into a mortgage situation for the first time in their lives, (and just who is an "expert" in *everything* for the *first* time ever?) and were the victims of some aggressive, or slick, fast talking predatory lender, a predatory parasite whom they *trusted* to be "honest" and a "straight talker", and who was *ordered* by upper "management" to sell, sell sell, and to do *whatever it takes* to secure the deal... no matter what, including *lying* or some other deception. Or, the "morons" who were the targets and victims of the *sub-prime scandal*? (Remember that? Remember Countrywide?) And, there are other reasons why many "morons" simply got into trouble with something that could happen to just about anyone, but who originally *never plotted or planned* to do so. These same "blame the little guys and morons" loudmouths are very likely long time Rethuglicans who "conveniently" seem to "forget" that it was over 12 twelve years of *Rethuglican control* over (haha) "our" gov't that brought about all of the *deregulation* of the banking and other financial "services" industries that opened to these doors to being with, for what has led up to today. Let's just call the blame game it what it *is*. "Weapons of Mass Distraction" (and / or "Deception")_ And of course, in true Rethuglican neoconartist fashion, when the sh*it finally hits the fan, then they turn around and try to *blame* someone *else* for it. Same old crap from these vicious and greedy, self-centered rats, every damn time. Typical bullies who will gladly kick the little guy when he is down and attack any other more vulnerable and / or less defensible folks. Check history for more details. I also agree mostly with what this guy Jeff below is saying, except for one thing, and that is that for the greater part, no one was ever *forced* to accept *any* credit card offer, especially any additional ones, other than the first one they may have *had* to have gotten, for the simple fact that it is next-to-impossible to get by in our capitalist-dominated and "free" market country and globalization world without one anymore. But also, when some folks are *constantly* barraged with tempting card offers all of the time, and especially if they have been stuck in the lower spectrum of wage earners for all of their lives for *whatever* reasons, and reasons that may have been insurmountable or out of their immediate control up to this point, or also when they are *impressionable* and *inexperienced teenagers*, or certain other types of "easy targets", then it is sometimes hard to resist to finally succumbing to such offers, and many of those offers that usually also have some *very fine print* that should be noticed *closely*. Kick the Rethugs *out* of office (and send a bunch to *prison* too) and the watch how *fast* the nation (and the world) starts to turn around for the *better*, and then continues to improve, and also *never* allow the Rethugs to gain full power *ever* again. Again, just check US political history for the last 100 years or so, see what kind of "pattern" that ya may notice? When the 'thugs are in power, the economy eventually heads down the toilet, and ever larger deficits are left behind, and the country is left in a *huge mess* for the Dems to have to clean up, but not before a lot of Rethugs, and those masters who they serve, have *gotten away with* a *lot* of the *tax payers'* money. And when the 'thugs are in power, it is when *more wars* get started. Some of history is there to be *learned* from , and *not* repeated. Think about it... -Rev. Fever Portland,OR > That's a tough one. For one thing, a lot of people probably thought > they could pay back the loans--or at least hoped they could. When > they discovered (later) that their interest rate skyrocketed, then > they could no longer afford to pay. Second, I don't necessarily > blame the consumers--at least not all the time. It's pretty tough > to turn down the opportunity to buy a home (or take some other > large loan) if someone is going to offer you the money. I blame the > lenders, in other words. Another example: I have so many credit > cards (and I get solicitations every week for more) with a total > credit line of an obscene amount of money. Why in the world not > just one bank--but several--would extend me credit lines of 20K or > more, I have no idea. But they do. I could get in serious financial > trouble very easily. Would I be to blame, or do the banks bear some > responsibility as well? > > Jeff >