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FF settings (was: distortion, overdrive,fuzz,crunch,special sauce, secret goo)

Michael asked:
> rainer.....would you care to share some F.F. setting that you find 
>interesting?.....or is that too secret?.....:)m

As a matter of fact, it's so secret and gooey that I was forced to
surgically remove the part of my brain holding the information, or
else simply forget it (I parted with the FilterFactory some four or
five years ago).

One thing I found important was that the distortion (I think it was
called "buzz") worked great on denser material, like mighty synths
(think Wavestation), drum machines and grooveboxes. Another thing I
remember was that in the manual it said than when using the notch
filter mode, you should turn resonance all the way down "for best
results", so I had to do the opposite - which might be the only thing
in that post which could qualify as a special sambal or masala.
