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Relatively new Rang 3 user here.  I concur with Rick.  Although I haven't
touched an LP2, the rang is perfect for arrangements, songwriting and
sequential loop playing, long ambient/rubato passages, in/out fades,
stopping/starting all loops, etc.  Slicing and dicing is NOT going to be in
the general bag of tricks.

It's an independent beast as well, since it does not support midi for
control or sync.  My first serious looper was an original 8 second, then 
Lexi Jam Man, and I didn't ever use midi sync or control...just those funky
plastic Lexi pedals it came with.  The Rang 'FEELS', in playing it, like an
uber cool original Jamman, with an incredible feature set.  Sound quality
seems excellent and transparent.

Current signal flow:

Guitar or Bass
EB volume pedal
Line 6 M9
Tech 21 Blonde preamp (for guit)
Tech 21 Bass Driver (for bass)
Moogerfooger Midi Murf
This mono signal goes into Rang L
Korg ES-1 sampling groovebox goes into  Rang R

If I'm running into a mono, then there's just a left out and L/R get summed
to L

Currently recording direct, I'm running both L and R rang outs to separate
channels on my mixer.  So guit/bass and drumbeats go on separate tracks.
The ES1 is more being used as a sampler trigger for single drum hits/loops
into the Rang for looping.  It's not currently 'playing' in sync, and
probably won't be...although I'm wanting to catch a loop on the Rang, then
tap tempo the ES1 into relatively close sync, start play on a blank beat
pattern, so it will then send clock to the new Murf I just got.  Then the
Murf will get in relatively close tempo with the loop, for cool animated
bleeps and bloops with the rang loop.  Still have to rig that up...

For me, exiting the honeymoon stage, I'm enjoying the heck out of the Rang.


On 3/2/11 11:34 PM, "Rick Walker" <looppool@cruzio.com> wrote:

> On 7/22/64 11:59 AM, nemoguitt@aol.com wrote:
>> sorry this isn't about macs or pcs.....STANO, you will tell me when
>> you switch over to computers for
>> your playing (then i will join the crowd).....a few of you know my
>> level of incompetence when it comes to COMPLEX THINGS,
>> computers, tying shoes etc.....i have a few xrta $ and not want but
>> NEED another looper.....my #1 son stole my rang
>> after i got my M13 and i want something to replace it, i only have the
>> looper in the M13 to work with at present.....
>> signal chain as of today:  guitar with 2 lines out > M13.....FX SEND
>> M13 > alesis air fx > alesis ineko > alesis bitrman >
>> off to srm 450s.....i know we had this discussion already and i have
>> read all the posts but i was wondering if
>> as of today, does anyone have any new oppinions or other
>> suggestions?.....i am also going to get the expression
>> pedal (s) for the M13.....young bill showed me the beauty of
>> this!.....THANK YOU BILL, you are a sweet lad!.....
>> i thnak you for your cornsideration!.....this just popped into my
>> noggin, are there any smallish loopers with FX sends?
> I don't know the Rang 3 at all, Michael, but my cursory understanding is
> that they are just incredibly different beasts.
> The LP2 has lots of slicing and dicing effects (and some very cool 1/2
> and 1/4 speed options that are very fun);
> it has the ability to store up to 8 loops and load them from an SD card;
> it has 30 levels of undo and it has feedback control
> with an extra expression pedal......it also has midi in/out for syncing
> to other midi devices
> It also is a mono unit.
> Doesn't the Rang have multiple and simultaneous loops?   Isn't it true
> stereo?   Does it have any midi?  Does it store loops?
> My impression is that the LP2 is better for mangling and also
> synchronizing and the Rang might be better if a
> singer songwriter wanted to have one looper.
> The LP2 for me is a perfect augmentation if you already have another
> looper, especially if it has midi.
> Any RANG 3 users out there yet?     Can you help us out with it's
> capabilities?
> rick walker