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Re: Mobius latency compensation

Do you have a MIDI "loopback" device connected between Mobius and Ableton?
You will need either MIDI Yoke or LoopBe1.


On Mar 24, 2011, at 5:18 PM, Louie Angulo wrote:

> ok,so put a sample drum loop in Ableton,put mobius under
> syncronization to "out" so it sends midi clock to ableton,record a
> groove in Mobius and tell me if the groove is in perfect sync with
> Mobius.
> Here it isnt,the tempo in ableton doesnt read exactly with Mobius
> tempo,however when mobius is slaved to ableton it seems ok,and if it
> isnt it retriggers and catches up to the groove.
> cheers
> Luis
> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Sylvain Poitras
> <sylvain.trombone@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Luis,
>> What sort of problems are you having when trying sync mobius and
>> ableton?  I have no issues with mobius as the master, other than
>> sometimes a loop that I hear as a single bar ends up as two bars in
>> ableton (or vice versa, can't remember which right now).  BPM sync is
>> solid and seems to re-sync at the start of the loop.
>> Sylvain
>> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 4:36 PM, Louie Angulo
>> <louie.angulo@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Jeff i have a question,
>>> in playing around with both Abletons looper and Mobius as a plugin
>>> there is a BPM difference when i try to use Mobius as a master with
>>> Ableton which is unfortunately unusable if trying to sync grooves to
>>> it.
>>> Mobius seems to be much better as a slave though,but Abletons looper
>>> is very acurate as a master.Is this something that will work in future
>>> versions just as well when being used as a plugin perhaps?
>>> cheers
>>> Luis
>>> On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 4:12 AM, Jeff Larson 
><jeff.larson@sailpoint.com> wrote:
>>>>> I've been trying to set up the above so overdubs go where they should
>>>>> and stay there on subsequent passes.  A couple of attempts have ended
>>>>> in frustration, i figured not helped by the fact that I'm using the
>>>>> built-in soundcard on an old desktop machine.
>>>> If you haven't already done so, read this section of the installation 
>>>>    http://www.circularlabs.com/doc/installation.htm#Tuning Latency
>>>> Assuming you are using Windows, if you are using the built-in sound 
>>>> you will be using an "MME" driver which has very high latency.  It is
>>>> possible
>>>> for Mobius to compensate for this so that your overdubs will line up 
>>>> you have to enter the right values into the latency fields in the
>>>> Audio Devices window.  Sometimes the driver is able to tell us what
>>>> the latency is, other times it can't and we have to enter it manually.
>>>> This is explained in the manual.
>>>> If you use a pro audio interface it will come with ASIO drivers that
>>>> have very low latency.  Often people don't even bother tuning latency
>>>> compensation since it is so slight that it is hard to hear even if it
>>>> is off by a few milliseconds.
>>>> As an alternative to buying a pro interface you could also try
>>>> ASIO4ALL which will give the built-in sound card an ASIO driver.  I 
>>>> had success with this, but if you're serious about sound quality you
>>>> should still consider an external interface.
>>>>> Reading the previous thread on mobius latency, according to Per it's
>>>>> not possible to achieve perfect sync i.e. it will always drift a bit.
>>>> I'm not sure what this was referring to, but you can certainly tune
>>>> latency compesnation for exact alignment of overdubs and once set it
>>>> won't drift unless you are also changing your physical location
>>>> relative to your monitor speakers.
>>>> Jeff
>>> --
>>> www.luis-angulo.com
> -- 
> www.luis-angulo.com