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RE: Looping with the LP1

Cool and great sounding stuff.. very interesting melodies. 

Btw - how do you achieve a 14tet synth? I would love to break out of the 12tet limitations..
Any  more info on you modular?

A great listen.. thanks,


> Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 16:09:24 -0500
> From: kkissinger@kevinkissinger.com
> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Subject: Looping with the LP1
> Hello to all!
> Last Saturday I participated in a Spring Equinox live streaming event
> on electro-music.com. You can download the MP3 here:
> http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=52293&start=47
> My set utilizes the LP1 throughout -- both as a looper and as a
> super-stable clock source.
> I played on my DIY modular synthesizer and I use the synthesizer's
> hardware to convert MIDI clock to analog triggers.
> This set expresses some of my current musical interests.
> The first is to build relatively long loops (loops > 15 seconds) that
> begin minimally -- with bloops and bleeps at at first appear to be
> random. However, the events are attached to specific beats that divde
> the long loop. As more events are added, a rhythmic "groove" emerges.
> Another interest of mine is the use of non-traditional temperament.
> The second half of the track utilizes 14-tet tuning.
> My direction with the synthesizer is to create an instrument that is a
> real-time compositional device with strong human interaction. As
> such, I really try to blur the line between the machine's
> functionality and my own "human interaction" with it.
> For any fellow synth-geeks here, I utilized a couple of classic filter
> clones, too. The noise is filtered through a Steiner (Synthacon)
> Filter Clone and, during the second half, I utilize a EMS diode-ladder
> filter clone. Also in the second half, I utilize the Klee Sequencer.
> Until I discovered the Loopers-delight community, my music was
> by-in-large composed and accomplished with multi-track recording.
> I started to experiment with live-looping around 2007 and it began as
> a kind of adjunct to my music work. Since then, I've discovered that
> live-looping has taken me on an entirely different path different than
> what envisioned prior to 2007.
> The LP1 has proven a nice instrument for me in no small part due to
> its excellent audio quality and its iron precision. I've really only
> scratched the surface of the LP1, though I've owned it for many years.
> All the best to one and all!
> -- Kevin