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Re: midi -- looping -- effects

the ones I know of are: digitech PMC-10, rocktron AllAccess, roland FC-200,
yamaha MFC-10, lake butler midigator, and the phil rees pedal.


At 2:34 PM -0800 3/3/01, Petr wrote:
>I know that a lot had been said about good/bad midi footcontrollers
>here.  But even after searching thoroughly the LD archives I still
>don't find the information I really need right now:
>What footcontroller can I buy, which would be good for controlling
>several effects + EDP at once?  I find many comments on LD about not
>good footcontrollers -- but which ones are good?  I want something on
>which I could program individual switches to send different program
>changes on different channels, and the switches would be programmable
>as momentary.  Quality, relibility and availability are more important
>than $.
>Is anyone using any specific footcontroller which would be able of
>that -- and be currently produced and available?
>Petr Dol·k
>music * poetry
>guitar * looping * percussion

Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com