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Re: Thoughts on the Eclipse, Fireworx, G-Force, and PCM81

I think this is one possible idea. but the joy of max is expandability 
as you learn more, and you lose that if you don't have the program.....

build a person an instrument, and they'll want more features all the 
time; teach a person to build an instrument and they'll add features 
themselves....for a lifetime....

I found it fairly quick to get up and running with max on a basic 
level, and then I've added more as I've learned more.


Jeff Kaiser
pfMENTUM.com • AngryVegan.com

On Jun 29, 2006, at 9:54 AM, David Coffin wrote:

> I’m kinda surprised that no one’s responded to this idea: 
> Get Max/MSP aces to build what you need, or share what they’ve already 
> built, and use these in Max’s free runtime environment, at least until 
> you decide that you MUST get out your own hammers and screwdrivers. 
> I’m very fond of it, altho I’ve never fully implemented it. I did once 
> post a request on a Max forum for max developers regarding what I 
> thought was a simple project, after downloading the demo and hitting a 
> brick wall almost immediately with doing something on my own. I got a 
> LOT of responses from folks eager to help out for reasonable dough. 
> Unfortunately, the guy I settled on seems to have not been able to 
> make what I wanted after all, and the project ran out of steam. But I 
> still plan to try again someday. I like the notion of sending a 
> friendly/savvy someone who gets what I’m about a few $$ now and then 
> to build or tweak me a unique toy over dropping +/-$500 on a tool I’d 
> need to spend months learning to use clumsily and really only want a 
> few things from.
> Anybody else getting joy out of runtime Max?
> dc
> (Sorry; can’t resist asking Kris: What about Pluggo?? “Max” fx 
> fun....!)
>> On Jun 28, 2006, at 9:41 PM, Krispen Hartung wrote:
>>> Well, with MAX/MSP, I don't plan on doing any serious programming at 
>>> the outset, just hosting my current VST effects and Reaktor 5, plus 
>>> Mobius.