Akai disk utility
These programs were sent to me by a Remix16 user, named Mr V. I don't know anything about them, so use at your own risk. Here is what he says about it:
"I have attached to this email a utility called Akaidisk that will allow you to transfer samples from akai to pc or pc to akai. (You may need the vbrun300.dll in the same directory as Akaidisk which I
have also included as an attachment.)
I find it very difficult to loop a sample exactly on the Remix 16. So what I do is use Akaidisk to convert it to a .wav and use a sound editor like Sound Forge or Cool Edit on a PC to loop it properly. It works like a treat believe me! Also it will cut down on the unused parts of the sample that the Remix
16 does not allow you to remove so that you have more sample time
This also helps with DJ sets so that when your mixing you can literally create an instant remix of the record that you are playing! Most akai samplers - s3000xl,3000,2800,1100xl,1000,950,900 and the s01 will work with Akaidisk allowing you to save and edit to your hearts content! That means you can use other peoples sample diskettes that they have made.
By the way there is a Windows 95 front end available called Akaidiskwin but I have found that it does not work properly so beware!"