Looping Tools and Instruments
If you have any info on these or other loop devices, send it on in! Or, if you want to create a page for your favorite looper, please do! The loop community will sure appreciate it. User contributions are what makes this site happen! contact us
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Software Loopers
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PC/Mac software doesn't get to be in the real-time category, because if it runs on MacOS or Windows, it can't honestly be called real-time. MacOS, Windows, Linux, and Unix are not Real Time Operating Systems, and therefore cannot guarantee Real-Time performance. These applications can still be very powerful, though.... |
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Performance-Oriented Samplers
These are very useful for loops, and performance friendly, but don't meet all the criteria to be a true Looper. Please let us know if any of these are in the wrong category....
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Looper History...
Any help on these would be really appreciated! I'd like to make a page for each, but I really don't know too much about many of them. Pictures, product details, musicians that used them for looping, recordings they were used on, anecdotes, tips, etc. If you have anything, please share it! Also, let me know what needs to be added to the list, I'm sure it's not complete...
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The Lexicon JamMan / Oberheim Echoplex comparison.
Many people ask questions about the differences between these two. This page is a start, but is by no means complete. If you can think of anything to add or correct, please let me know! Oh, and since Matthias created version 1.0, it may be a little biased. Not too bad, though. As soon as we get some more info on it, it'll even out.
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- Klein Electric Guitars - A lot of guitar players into looping play Klein Electric Guitars. No one is sure why, but it's a fact. Must be because they're extraordinary guitars!
- PMC-10 MIDI Controller - Looking for a great midi controller pedal to control your loop rig? A number of people on the Looper's Delight list recommend the Digitech PMC-10. It's out of production, but you can find them used for a good price (between $100 and $150). Many people consider it the best midi pedal ever produced. Check out Sean Echevarria's Raymond patch editor for it.