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Green Tea Software
Looper Construction Kit
for Kyma

Looper Construction Kit
Introduced: early 2003
Symbolic Sound's Kyma X

This page needs more stuff! Any Looper Construction Kit users out there want to help out? If you are interested, want to provide a review, user tips, or have any information on using the LCK for looping, please contact us.

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Looper Construction Kit (LCK) home page

Kyma X home page


The Looper Construction Kit TM (LCK) is an add-on product for Symbolic Sound's Kyma system.

The Looper Construction Kit includes about fifty new Kyma modules.

The modules represent DSP programs tailored for real-time looping. By arranging the LCK modules in various fashions, you can construct loopers of varying properties, behaviors, and capabilities. The LCK also includes example models of several existing hardware loopers, such as the Akai E1 Headrush, the Boomerang, and the Line6 DL4. You can copy and modify all the examples supplied in the Looper Construction Kit. There are also several modules designed for real time interaction with the Gibson Echoplex.

Once loaded into your computer, the LCK modules are fully integrated with the standard Kyma modules.

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