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TC Electronic

D-Two MultiTap Rhythm Delay

This page needs more stuff! If you are a D-Two user and you can write a review, please send it to: contactLD@loopers-delight.com

The TC D-Two is basically a multi-tap delay unit, with a total delay time of 5 seconds stereo and 10 seconds mono. It has the ability to add chorus, filter, and flange to the delay repeats. It has the added features of ducking delay, spatial (phase reverse), ping-pong and reverse delays. The D-Two is a true stereo unit with 24 bit A/D & D/A conversion, with full midi specifications allowing the control of many parameters in real time. The most used parameters like feedback level, delay level and bypass are also controllable with analogue footswitches and pedals. Delay times can be tapped in from the front panel, tapped in with a footswitch, or synced to midi clock. You can even tap in a rhythmic pattern for the delay repeats to follow! If you tap in a tempo, this tempo can be preserved when changing patches, or ignored by specific patches and you can also specify whether the unit will sync to midi clock and what percentage of the bpm the delay repeats will be at.

Using the D-Two for Looping:

It’s possible to set the feedback to 100% with no degradation of the loop. Use a footswitch to open and close the input to the loop, allowing for overdubbing and playing over a loop. Sync to midi clock for the most stable phrased loops. Using two units in parallel can give you 10 seconds of stereo delay – however they will not be in true sync and you may have stereo imaging problems.

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