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t.c. electronic
TC2290 - Dynamic Digital Delay

2290 picture

Introduced: 1986
Still in production

This page needs more stuff! Any 2290 users out there want to help out? If you are interested, want to provide a review, user tips, or have any information on using the 2290 for looping, please contact us.

A classic delay, first produced in 1986, used by Robert Fripp and others for looping. Expensive, but apparently worth it for sound quality. 4 seconds of sampling is stock, expandable up to 64 seconds. Includes real-time loop controls like tap tempo, "sound on sound," editing loop points, and sample triggering. Also, delay effects like dynamic modulation for chorus, pan, etc.

Unfortunately, the memory modules for upgrading the memory are discontinued. So you can't expand the delay time anymore. The footpedal is also discontinued, so some functions are difficult to control.

Search the Looper's Delight Mailing List Archives for TC2290 info

t.c. electronic's home page

t.c. electronic's website for the TC2290 Dynamic Digital Delay

tc electronic TC2290 reviews on Harmony Central

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