From: (Mike George)
A patch in the SP808 is an effect, I.E. reverb, compressors, etc.
Yes, the DBeam can be shut off and assigned to any sound or effect parameter.
8 voices in stereo, 4 voices in mono...whatever! LETS RESAMPLE..for
this is where the sp808 shall shine (I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO MENTION
You really don't lose anything to resampling...The SP808 like any other
digital hard disk recorder has limitless tracks becuse of resample
and/or bounce that is performed in the digital domain!!!
HINT: The step modulator hooked to the Virtal analogue synth effects
patch makes for a 5th sound...for it can be played at the same time as 4
(8)'s what I do:
- I loop my beat on track A
- I add background pads or noise on B
- I program the synth to play my bass line
- and I leave 2 voices open for live triggering.
Here are some tasty tidbits on the 808 that they don't tell ya:
- I can pull off a resample or bounce more than 15 times without an
unprofessional sound...BUT the enhancer in one of the effects parameters
restores the loss no prob!!!
- Stomper like drum creation has already been simulated on the effects
patches of the 808!!!! and it sounds great!!!
- Imagine 6 realtime controllers all at once completely desecrating a
sound....then you resample this and set up a new patch and do it
again...and again get it!!!
- The EQ, the center canceller, the filter, and resaple allows anything
to be extracted...then rebuilt using a compressor, EQ,
- RSS...what other sampler has 3-d with 2!!!
- the step modulator, the 6 knobs (a&b), the tempo, and the DBEAM all
modulate any parameter in the box,,can we say please pass me clean
underwear and a towel..oh yea alll at ooonce oh oh...excuse me
- Try this stretch a beat loop sample to a low tempo, resample
it...then stretch it again ...this will clear up some of the extreme
choppiness at high change of speed...(buys you about 10 bpm more)
add a slicer effect and chop the beatloop into 16ths...resample, set
your auto trim for .5 seconds ....VOILA drums ...sounds time consuming
but it only takes about 5 minutes!!!
Makes you wonder doesn't it??!!

Some additional comments from Mike George:
I wanted to add some info to the sp808 info page...
I use the SP808 in the studio to produce hip hop records. Here are some
things that keyboard Magazine failed to mention before bombing the sp in
the cons section of their review:
- It has an envelope workaround...using the virtual synth effect!
- It has Graphic waveform editting...push scrub on the waveform edit
page on the start, loop, or endpoint numbers!
- Polyphony restrictions are taken care of by resampling!!
- Velocity sensitivity is available if the machine is played from a
midi keyboard or drum machine that is capable!
Also a mis-researched bit of info for CAN play back while
sampling...or loop, while sampling from the inputs!!!!!!! This was
initiated by me on many live setups and in all studio sessions with live
drummers and bass players.
This machine is only limitted by imagination and poor song planning...I
remember all too well the pen and paper hexadecimal programmed low
memory samplers of 7 years previous...thank you Roland for a new
- Mike George