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Re: livelooping. organic

On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Rainer Straschill wrote:

> Yes, and from my experience, most people who do live-looping (whatever 
> that may be) simply use something like a Boss RC-50, record a track, 
> then record another one, and then have them play while they solo on top 
> of them. And there's very very few that do the odd "EDP gone crazy" 
> schtick so some of us can enjoy it.

I observed after Y2KX that while I used to put lots of effort into 
evolving loops, my music seems to have drifted more toward recording a 
backing track loop and then focusing on improvising over that. The loop 
becomes just a way of creating some extra sonic density. I'm not sure 
what's driven that change.
